Strandfaraskip Landsins (SSL) is the provider of public transportation to the Faroe Islands. SSL was founded on the noble and fundamental principle that the islands and their population should be connected. Every day of the week, several hundred employees and ten vessels turn this idea into reality.
For operations to run smoothly and efficiently, SSL requires software that provides a comprehensive overview of authority requirements, and the particular competences of its crew. It is also essential that the software ties the organisation closer together, by giving both staff on shore, and vessel masters onboard, access to the same data in real time. Furthermore, in order to manage the complex timetabling typical of a public transportation provider, the company requires a system allowing them to create their own work schedule templates and apply these in accordance with the expectations of different employee groups.
Crew Manager provides SSL with a solid and reliable base for smooth operations. With this software, crew competences are easily registered and monitored, compliance with authority requirements is ensured and timetabling becomes a more time-efficient task. Furthermore, vessel masters can easily access all necessary data and therefore work more autonomously, whilst bridging the gap between the onshore staff and the maritime crew.
Crew Manager provides SSL with a reliable tool for handling complex planning tasks, registering and monitoring competences, and complying with authority requirements. Crewing staff, management and vessel masters can work autonomously, making operations run smoother and faster throughout the whole organisation. In turn, this eliminates potential errors and saves time, enabling SSL to turn their noble idea of making long distances shorter into reality.
Skansi Offshore is a Faroese Offshore company operating on the international market. The company is known for its first class physical and human capital. The mission: To exceed and improve the industry standard by adding a human dimension.
The Offshore Industry operates in a highly regulated environment with vast compliance requirements. To thrive in this competitive industry, the company must be able to ensure and document that its crew is in compliance with all client and authority requirements.
Crew Manager was originally developed in close collaboration with Skansi Offshore to ensure the system met the comprehensive demands of a crew management system in a highly regulated and competitive industry. Crew Manager ensures vessels are manned and validated in a time-efficient manner and enables such processes to be easily documented.
As a result, crewing staff and management can focus on other tasks while the company remains competitive and aligned with all regulations.
Crew Manager saves Skansi Offshore time in turn management and provides the company with comprehensive proof of its compliance with client and authority requirements. This helps the company maintain its competitive advantage and – as the mission states – to exceed and improve the industry standard.